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10th December 2024 | 1PM CET
Multi-Vari Charts

How to Use Multi-Vari Charts for Better Decision Making

Have you ever found yourself struggling to choose between multiple options, whether it be what product to buy, which service to use, or even what to have for lunch? If you have, then you know how overwhelming it can be when presented with too many choices. 

However, there is a tool that can help you narrow down your options and make better decisions: the multi-vari chart. This post will explain what multi-vari charts are and how you can use them to your advantage.

What are Multi-Vari Charts?


Multi-vari charts (also known as multiattribute utility theory charts) are Decision Analysis tools that help individuals compare multiple options by mapping out the benefits and drawbacks of each option. 

By visually representing the data, multi-vari charts make identifying patterns and relationships between different factors easier. This, in turn, allows users to make informed decisions based on all the available information.


Multi-Vari Charts Example


How to Use Multi-Vari Charts


There are many different ways to use multi-vari charts. However, the most common applications are Product Selection, Service Selection, and Facility Location Selection.

Product Selection:


When choosing between different products or services, it is important to take into account a variety of factors such as price, quality, features, brand reputation, etc. Comparing all of these factors side-by-side can be difficult; that’s where multi-vari charts come in. By creating a multi-vari chart of all the products you’re considering, you can more easily see which option is best for you.

Service Selection:


Similar to product selection, there are several factors that need to be considered when choosing a service provider (e.g., price, quality of service, and customer satisfaction rates). With a multi-vari chart, you can map out all the different providers and compare them side-by-side to make an informed decision about which one is right for you.

Facility Location Selection:


When selecting a location for a new facility (e.g., office space, retail store), many factors must be taken into account, such as the cost of living in the area, traffic patterns, availability of resources/amenities, etc. A well-crafted multi-vari chart will help you identify the best location for your business based on all the available information.



Multi-vari charts are Decision Analysis tools that help individuals compare multiple options by mapping out the benefits and drawbacks of each option. By visually representing the data, multi-vari charts make identifying patterns and relationships between different factors easier. This, in turn, allows users to make informed decisions based on all the available information.

=>There are many different ways to use multi-vari charts, but the most common applications are Product Selection, Service Selection, and Facility Location Selection.

=>When choosing between different products or services, or when selecting a location for a new facility, it is important to take into account a variety of factors such as price, quality, features, brand reputation etc.

Comparing all of these factors side-by-side can be difficult; that’s where multi-vari charts come in. With a well-crafted chart you can map out all the different providers and compare them side-by-side to make an informed decision about which one is right for you.

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