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Building and Effective Team

Building an Effective Team: Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing

Team performance follows a four-stage process known as Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing. In the first stage, known as Forming, team members become acquainted with one another and begin to clarify their roles and objectives. During the second stage, Storming, the team begins to face challenges that can arise from disagreements over goals or methods of working together. The third stage is Norming, during which the team develops meaningful collaboration protocols and project plans in order to maximize efficiency. Finally, at the Performing stage, teams are able to work harmoniously towards meeting their collective goals.

Every successful project requires a strong team to be successful. But what goes into building an effective team? This blog post will discuss the four stages of team development: forming, storming, norming, and performing. By understanding these stages, project managers can create a cohesive, efficient, and effective team. Let’s get started!

An effective team doesn’t happen by chance. It requires careful planning and consideration by the project manager. The team development process follows four stages: forming, storming, norming, and performing. Let’s take a closer look at each stage.

"A team is a group of people working together to achieve a common goal."


Forming Stage


The first stage of team development is known as the forming stage. In this stage, team members are just getting to know one another and are working to establish ground rules and expectations. Project managers must provide clear instructions and guidelines during this stage so that team members know what is expected of them. Additionally, open communication is key to ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Storming Stage


The next stage is known as the storming stage. In this stage, team members begin to test the limits of their relationships with one another. Conflict may arise during this stage as people assert their ideas and opinions. Project managers must keep a close eye on team dynamics during this stage so that conflict does not get out of hand. Additionally, it is helpful to provide team-building opportunities so members can learn how to work together effectively.

Building Effective Teams


Norming Stage


The third stage is called the norming stage. In this stage, team members have come to trust and respect one another more. They have started to work together more cohesively and are beginning to establish themselves as a true team. During this stage, teams start to gel and become more productive. Project managers should continue providing support and guidance so that teams can grow and develop together.

Performing Stage

The final stage is known as the performing stage. In this stage, teams are highly effective and are able smoothly to handle any challenges that come their way. They have indeed developed into a well-oiled machine at this point! Project managers can take a step back at this point and let teams work independently with minimal supervision. Of course, checking in from time to time is still essential to ensure that everything is running smoothly.

Adjourning Stage – optional

Once a project is completed, teams typically go through an adjourning stage. During this stage, team members say goodbye to one another and move on to new projects. It is a time of reflection and closure for many people. Project managers should take this opportunity to thank team members for their hard work and dedication. Additionally, it is a good time to gather feedback so that lessons can be learned for future projects.

By understanding the four stages of team development, project managers can work to create a team that is cohesive, efficient, and effective. By following these tips, you will be well on your way to building a successful team!


Building an effective team takes time, patience, and effort, but it is worth it! By understanding the four stages of team development—forming, storming, norming, and performing —project managers can work to create a cohesive unit that functions well together. Each stage has its challenges. Communication and trust are critical components of an effective team which will eventually lead to a well-oiled machine!

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