Understanding the Leadership Circle Profile™:
The LCP is a comprehensive, validated, and powerful 360-degree assessment that offers a deep understanding of an individual’s leadership competencies and underlying beliefs. It is unique among leadership assessment tools, as it measures both the inner and outer aspects of leadership, combining quantitative data with qualitative feedback to provide a holistic view of a leader’s effectiveness.
The assessment evaluates two primary leadership domains: Creative Competencies and Reactive Tendencies.
Creative Competencies:
These competencies encompass the qualities that lead to high-fulfilment, high-achievement leadership and are key to driving success. They include vision and strategic focus, whole system thinking, authenticity, self-awareness and self-development, and the ability to relate to, inspire and develop others. Understanding these competencies helps leaders to build on and develop their most effective leadership behaviours.
Reactive Tendencies:
These tendencies are the deliciously-human but ultimately self-limiting patterns that can hinder a leader’s effectiveness if over-used and unconsciously relied upon. They include behaviours such as chasing perfection, people-pleasing, and distancing oneself from conflict. By identifying and addressing these reactive tendencies, leaders can consciously break free from counterproductive patterns and unlock their full potential.

The results of the assessment are organised and presented in a circular graph, which symbolises the complexity but wholeness of an individual, and quickly illuminates integration and interactions between the different dimensions of self. The detailed and visual representation of the scores provided, enable a leader to quickly identify the most significant and important drivers and detractors of their leadership style.

The Power of Self-Awareness:
Opportunities for Leadership Development:
Systemic Impact:
Sustained Growth and Adaptability:
The Leadership Circle Profile™ is a powerful tool that, with the support of a certified coach, enables leaders to gain a deep understanding of their leadership capabilities, strengths, and areas for growth. By leveraging the insights provided by this assessment, leaders can enhance their self-awareness, transform their leadership style, and drive meaningful change within their organisations. The power of the LCP lies in its ability to unlock leadership potential, foster continuous growth, and create positive and lasting impacts on individuals, teams, and whole organisations.
For more information or to discuss how the Leadership Circle Profile could help you or your organisation today, please contact our certified Leadership Circle Profile practitioner and coach Catherine Keddie on catherine@catherinekeddie.co