Facilitation Skills for Project Managers

Facilitation Skills for Project Managers: Learning to Lead Change Management


As a project manager, part of your job is to lead change management. But what does that mean, exactly? And how can you be effective at it? In this blog post, we’ll explore what change management is and some specific facilitation skills that will help you lead change management effectively.

What is Change Management?


Change management is the process of supporting individuals and teams as they adapt to new situations and environments. Having strong change management skills as a project manager is essential because you’ll often be tasked with leading projects requiring people to change how they work, think, or behave.

Leading change can be a challenge, but there are specific facilitation skills that can help you do it effectively. Let’s take a look at three of them.

1. Active Listening


One of the most important things you can do as a facilitator is to listen actively. This means giving your full attention to the person or group you’re interacting with, being present in the moment, and hearing what they’re saying—not just waiting for your turn to speak. When you listen actively, you create an environment where people feel heard and respected, which makes them more likely to be open to change.

2. Creating Safe Spaces


Another important skill for facilitating change is creating safe spaces. This involves creating an environment where people feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas without fear of judgement or reprisal. When people feel safe, they’re more likely to engage in open dialogue, which is essential for addressing the challenges associated with change.

3. Managing Conflict


Conflict is inevitable when you’re leading a team through change. People will have different opinions and points of view, which can lead to disagreements and even arguments. As a facilitator, it’s essential that you know how to manage conflict constructively. This means maintaining a neutral stance, facilitating open communication, and helping people find common ground to move forward together.


Facilitation Skills for Project Managers 2

What Are Facilitation Skills?

A facilitator helps a group understand each other and work together more effectively. Facilitators do this by helping the group identify common goals, communicating, asking questions, and facilitating discussion. In short, facilitation skills are all about communication and teamwork.

Why Are Facilitation Skills Important?

In today’s workplace, it’s more important than ever for employees to work together effectively. That’s because most projects now require teams of people with different skill sets to collaborate to be successful. However, working together effectively is not always easy. Many obstacles can prevent team members from collaborating effectively, such as resistance to change, lack of clarity about goals, and differences in opinion.

That’s where facilitation skills come in. Learning to use facilitation skills effectively can help your team overcome these obstacles and collaborate more effectively. Not only will this empower your team to lead change confidently, but it will also help your organization be more successful in today’s competitive business environment.

The Role of Feedback

One of the most important things a facilitator can do is give feedback. This involves providing comments and suggestions that help people understand how they’re doing and what they can do to improve. Feedback should be honest, constructive, and specific. It should also be given in a timely manner so that it’s helpful rather than confusing or overwhelming.

Giving feedback is one of the most important ways a facilitator can help a group move forward effectively. By providing feedback that is both helpful and meaningful, you can help people learn from their mistakes, grow as individuals, and work together more effectively.

The Facilitators role is not easy!

As a facilitator, it’s essential to be patient and understanding. It’s also important to be able to handle conflict in a constructive way. This means maintaining a neutral stance, facilitating open communication, and helping people find common ground to move forward together.


If you want your team to lead change successfully, you must equip them with the right tools. One of the most important tools they’ll need is a strong understanding of facilitation skills. Facilitation skills are the ability to lead group discussions and help participants reach a consensus. When applied to change management, facilitation skills can help project managers overcome common obstacles, such as resistance to change and lack of clarity about the project’s goals. By learning how to use facilitation skills effectively, you can empower your team to lead change confidentially and navigate through difficult periods of transformation successfully.

Facilitating change can be challenging, but it’s an essential skill for project managers. You can become an effective change management leader by learning to listen actively, creating safe spaces, and managing conflict constructively. Remember that change is inevitable—but with the right facilitation skills, you can help your team navigate it successfully!

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