Reasons to get Lean Certified

If you want to advance in your career and have some exciting career development goals to consider, then you need to do something about it. Waiting to be noticed might work for some people – some of the time, but it’s not guaranteed, and it can take many years before your efforts and personality are spotted by the right people at the right time. It’s far better, therefore, to take matters into your own hands and do something about it so that your superiors can’t help but see the great job you’re doing.

On the flip side, if you were to apply for another job elsewhere, you would ace the interview and be rewarded by a more challenging, more interesting, even better paying job. Here are some of the essential skills for career development you need to have to advance your career and become happier and more fulfilled as a result.

Before you can start looking for ways to advance your career and reach your career development goals, you need to know what it is you want. What kind of job do you want to be working in? Where is your ideal location? Do you want to start your own business or continue working for someone else (or, if you are already self-employed, do you want to start working for someone else?)?

Once you know what it is you really want, you can start to pursue it intensely, taking courses and reading up as much as you can on the subject to further your career. The more work you can do yourself, the further ahead of other candidates you will be, giving you the best chance of being the one chosen for the next level of your career. As you can see, this is one of the most essential skills for career development.

No matter what you do, never assume you have done all the learning you need to do. If there is a chance to find out more information about your career, you should always take it – any kind of training will give you benefits and advantages over those who don’t get involved.

You can also carry on learning by going back to school. This is especially important if you are looking to start an entirely new career and you need to retrain. Of course, with a full-time job, this can be an impossible thing to do unless, of course, you take a look at online courses. When you study online, you can study at your own pace and whenever you are free rather than having to free up time to go to a college classroom to listen to a professor. Boosting your managerial and leadership skills at Leanscape, for example, is just a click away. With Leanscape, you can learn critical thinking skills that are essential in any higher-level position. The choice is yours, so think carefully because whatever you pick should be part of your career advancement plans.

If you’re not happy with what you’re doing and you know that you deserve a better job, take risks to get it. We don’t mean you should sacrifice your career, of course, but certainly don’t waste time hoping to get a better deal where you are if you have already seen that this is not going to happen. If you’re doing your utmost, producing excellent work, and you’re still not being acknowledged or rewarded, go elsewhere.

This kind of risk, applying for other jobs, perhaps jobs that you aren’t sure you’re quite right for but that will require you to step up and face more challenges should you get it, is the kind we suggest when it comes to finding ways to advance your career. Remember, if you keep doing what you have always done, you will get the same results you always have – if those results aren’t working for you, you need to change what you’re doing, even if that means stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new.

Our Lean Training Workshops combine classroom-based, tailored courses with online learning, coaching, mentoring and real-life project delivery. With this hybrid combination, our classroom and online training deliver real world development and improvement projects that will improve your business and skills right now! Our courses offer the best return on investment hands down!

Networking is an essential part of any career development goals, whether that’s at the company you currently work for or in a different one altogether. Whenever there is a company function, you should always attend as it gives you a chance to talk to different managers in a less formal setting. Getting to know someone as a friend can have significant advantages when it comes to career development in the future – sometimes it really is a case of who you know rather than what you know.

Networking events can be found all over, from breakfasts to lunches to evening events that involve a guest speaker and then the chance to speak to the other attendees. You can chat about what you do and make new friends and acquaintances. Having an extensive professional network can help you in many different aspects of life, and it can make finding a better job much easier. A useful network of contacts you can call upon when you need them (and who you can help if they need you to) is invaluable, especially when job security is not always guaranteed.

You can also network within our workshop settings, rubbing shoulders with professionals from all over the country from various industries. If you’re looking for successful ways of getting your name out there and proving your skills, our Leanscape workshops deliver!

If you want something, ask for it, as we’ve suggested above. However, it may not be the same thing that your employer or manager wants, and this is where negotiating can be a helpful tool. If you can both talk calmly about what it is that you want and come to a compromise where both of you are happy, you will have achieved a lot, and your career advancement can really start.

In fact, being able to negotiate is one of the most essential skills for career development. It is critical to be able to identify and act on chances to bargain for your future professional success. Because your position in your company is virtually always subject to negotiation, the value of negotiation in business and your career cannot be overstated. The more you think about how to do this, the more you will be able to take your career in precisely the direction you want it to go.

Negotiation is something you will have the ability to finely tune in our world-class workshops and training. Alongside other professionals, you’ll have the unique ability to brainstorm the best ways to go about negotiating and gaining useful information for business negotiations and overall management.

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