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Best Lean Management Books

Lean Books

Our selection of the best books about Lean. We continually delve into the world of Lean but finding quality books about Lean is hard. Here are 12 of the best books we have found covering Lean Thinking, Lean Operations, Strategy and more.

The Top Lean Books


Today you can find a large selection of books on almost any subject and Lean Management is no different. What we have tried to do here is find 12 of the best Lean Management books that focus on the key principles and ideas behind Lean.

These are books are for the general reader with an interest in change management, business improvement and business management.

So why have we selected these books?

These books are what we would recommend to our students, clients and anyone else who is interested in understanding Lean. And we would recommend them in this order – starting with two books that should turn on the light blub for any business professional before the  “The Simplicity of Lean” which is focused on how to implement the basis of a Lean culture.

This selection of the top 12 Best Management Books covers the traditional Lean Manufacturin plus Lean in Service, Lean Strategy, Lean Startup and how applicable Lean is in today’s society from a Leadership and overall management perspective.

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Lean Manufacturing Books & Lean Service Books

by Womack & Jones

While many refer to The Machine That Changed the World as the foundation of the Lean Revolution, I would still, without doubt, recommend Lean Thinking as the best introduction to Lean. It’s more accessible and while written initial in 1996, it was updated in 2002. The examples throughout the book remain meaningful and its a great mind opener for the world of lean. Definitely, the best introductory read for anyone interested in learning more about lean.

by Womack & Jones

After Lean Thinking, Lean Solution is a great book that takes Lean thinking to the next level and begins to review actual industries and identifying the gap between customers and providers. With greater choice and greater flexibility, it highlights how providers need to be adding greater and greater value to customers.  There is a great chapter on the automotive sector which has almost become visionary.

by Philip Holt

Initially, I had some reservations about this book but I must say that it is one of the most practical Lean books I have read. The way the book builds up the approach across Culture, Kaizen, Projects and beyond is excellent and very few books have managed to capture the practical implementation of Lean. It is almost a Lean Playbook and it has grown on us to be one of our favorites.

BONUS - If you are studying, then buy this book!

by Womack & Jones

The Machine That Changed the World was the catalyst for Lean Production as the authors conducted a groundbreaking study and analysis of Toyota and the entire Lean Production system. Even today, you can see how Ford & GM struggle but Toyota continue to grow from strength to strength. This was the first book that coined the term “Lean” and often seen as the starting point of Lean in Europe and America.

by Taiichi Ohno

Written by Taiichi Ohno, who many consider being the inventor of the Toyota Production System, this books covers the key concepts of waste, Just In Time thinking and looks at the overall Lean Production approach. “All you are doing is looking at the timeline … from the moment the customer gives an on order to the point when we collect the case. And we are reducing that timeline by removing non-value-added wastes.

by Jeffrey Liker

The Toyota Way to Continuous Improvement was the winner of the 2012 Shingo Research and Professional Publications Award.  TIn this book Liker helps its reader develop a vision for continuous improvement within their organisation and begin to plot a path to turn the companies vision into a measurable reality. A great book which links the core concepts with actionable ideas to start your companies lean journey.

by John Bicheno & Matthias Holweg

This is not a book you pick up and read for the beginning to end, but something you delve into as you need to or when you a particular questions. It covers the tools, system, and principles of Lean. While it covers the tools with excellent examples that are well written, it also covers The Lean Philosophy and discusses a number of Lean Transformation frameworks for organisations. I reviewed this against the 4th Edition which I own.

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