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10th December 2024 | 1PM CET
Lean Management Productivity

7 Skills that Lean Managers Use to Increase Productivity

Lean management is a new and popular way to help businesses operate in the most successful way possible. 


Businesses are now having to rethink and analyze different practices they have in place which could have guided their actions for years. Lean principles champion respect for others, relentless focus to deliver customer values, and continuous improvement. Adopting this new approach to working requires hard work and open-mindedness from all areas including leadership and management. 

For it to work and be truly effective within the workplace, everyone needs to be on board. It can be beneficial from a management point of view and in turn, increase productivity and the quality of work from employees. This is why lean management has grown and is now widespread across a variety of different industries. It is used in various businesses like manufacturing, marketing, and software development. It is a universal tool in management and results in a positive impact on a business’s performance due to the core values that it champions. 


Certain skills will help lean managers increase productivity within their team. Some of them are: Lean managers are motivators, leaders, and forward thinkers. They need to be able to help contribute to giving a clear vision for the business and the long-term goals needed. It helps keep the business on track and will give the manager an opportunity to refocus when required. This comes from having the ability to set focused, achievable goals. 

One of the harder skills to learn but just as important is being able to embrace any failures that occur. You must be able to not let them force you into a downward spiral. You need to be able to view any failures that occur as a chance to learn from them. Think of them as an opportunity to refine and fix and processes that may be flawed. This essential skill will take time to learn but will help the business grow and improve all the time.

If you are a lean manager, it is vital that you are able to spend more time with your staff. A lawn care company manager should be able to confidently and effectively notice any issues and identify problems that are occurring in the workplace. By being able to do this they can help work processes flow better and increase productivity on a daily basis.

Lean managers differ from traditional managers in that they focus on spending more time within the working environment. They will interact with employees more which will improve the working relationships as well as give them opportunities to look out for improvements in processes as well. Traditional managers are normally criticized as they tend to not participate within the workplace which can result in staff losing motivation from feeling overlooked. So the encouragement of spending more time in the workplace is important for lean managers. 

So often managers will rarely see their employees except for in meetings and talking about work issues. This hinders the employee’s progression as they have no relationship with their managers and will often result in a drop in employee morale. Lean managers need to be able to build relationships with all employees in a positive way. So this is why they need to be able to effectively understand people’s behaviours. Being able to motivate people starts with being able to build rapport.

Then you can motivate and empower employees to work on their career, progression, and take on more responsibility at work. This in turn results in happier staff and, again, increases productivity levels within the workplace. When customers and clients can see a happy workforce and see businesses with enthusiastic and likeable managers it encourages customer loyalty as well. 

Lean managers always need to be forward-thinking and consistently be looking for ways to optimize the business. They want to make sure that the business is always moving forward, never going backwards or standing still. A good lean manager will always be on the lookout to improve things at work and always wanting to achieve more.

This is why lean managers need to be able to understand how to get the most out of their business and employees through growth, development, and necessary improvements. They are never satisfied with current processes and are always finding new ways to increase productivity and morale. Lean managers will always be on the lookout for areas within the business that need growth and development and will always be looking to pursue new ideas on how to execute this. 

Customers are the heart of any company, they are the reason that businesses are able to prosper and grow. Knowing this and being able to prioritize customer value in all areas of the business, including different processes, is key to lean thinking. This is a skill that all lean managers will need to be able to do. Lean managers will know what kind of customers they have, what their customers want and don’t want, and then use that information to help move the business forward and shape processes and important decisions. 

Employees will be able to provide more value to customers through continuous improvement within the business all while reducing costs. Lean managers will also encourage the same customer focus through their employees and instill the need for high-quality customer value. This results in having a dedicated customer focus throughout the business as a whole.

So Lean management will always play an important role in businesses and the success they have. Businesses and staff need to be open-minded and be willing to adopt the new skills and way of life through the lean management programs. Management is the first step to implementing lean as they will encourage and pass down the skills and knowledge to their employees.

Know more about how to use lean manager skills to increase productivity. Click here

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