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5 Corporate Training Programs Every Employee Should Take

Training is a crucial element of developing a successful business. While you may have a range of excellent professionals working with or for you, having them achieve the best results will always take some work. Companies like Leanscape can provide corporate training programs that will help your team to excel, and this is a great place to start. But which courses do all of your employees need to take?

Designed to provide you with the basics required to manage a business in the modern world, this free course is a great choice for employees that are just getting started with lean. This module consists of 22 lessons that come in the form of videos and text. This will give you an introduction to Six Sigma, while also helping you to modernise your workflow.

The Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt course is designed to be the entry point into the Six Sigma management philosophy. You will take 86 short lessons over 30 days, eventually leading a proper Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification. Giving this to all of your team members is a great way to expand their knowledge further than the fundamentals.

The Leanscape Lean Six Sigma Green Belt course is a follow-on from the Yellow Belt certification. This time, you will go into much greater depth, with 152 lessons to go through before you can be certified. This can help you to build on the success you’ve already found, making your company leaner and your team better in the process.

As the last element of the Six Sigma line-up, it’s time to look at the Lean Six Sigma Black Belt course. As the final stage in this process, this training course is designed to push your leadership, problem-solving, and management skills to new heights. Getting a certification like this is highly respected in the world of business, and you have to work very hard to achieve the results you want.

If you are looking for other courses, consider learning about agile, an approach to delivering improvements incrementally.

Finally, as the last type of corporate training course to consider, it’s time to think about communication. Being able to communicate effectively is essential in the world of business. Many people struggle with this, but there are plenty of courses out there that can be used to improve communication within your business. Not only will this improve life for your employees, but your clients and customers may also notice the difference.

Training has always been a vital element of business and management. Many companies ignore this, though, only to find that they struggle down the line. Providing the same training to your whole team is an excellent way to push your business forwards and achieve what you want in record time.

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